  • We have taken our cats to Eastlake for the past three years. It is a small clinic, so there are some quirks, but my cats (and I) have received great treatment and care. I haven't shopped around, as far as pricing goes,...

    Guest G.
  • we used to live in queen anne and we were recommended to eastlake vet. we went there from 2005-2006 and were always very happy w/the service from everyone in person and over the phone. we also had no problem getting our...

  • Animal people and very good at public relations My animals benefitted big time from their care. The office staff is people-&-animal-friendly. I have left my "babies" at Eastlake when I was having workmen in the house....

  • Wonderful people, trustworthy staff I have been taking my cats to Dr. Anderson for almost 20 years, beginning when I lived just up the hill from the hospital. When I moved to the North Side, I looked for another vet in...

    Barbara Stoner
  • Very good compassionate vets One thing I really appreciate about their vets is their compassion towards the animals and their helpful explanations about treatment and conditions. They are extremely knowlegeable and their...

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