  • Dr. Ford has been our families vet for multiple years. He is wonderful with all types of animals and specializes in reptiles. We have brought our cat, dogs, bearded dragon, and chameleons to him. He even helped my...

    jessica saunders
  • They are not only convenient with there hours but goes above and beyond to help you with your need. They were very compassionate while putting down my beloved pet after hour without rushing me and helped me grieve in...

    Jina Duncan
  • Best vets in the area. Doctor Ford is hands down the best vet I've had.

    Bear Shaw
  • Our 2 year old Lab had an allergic reaction to something (maybe fire ants) and got hives all over his body, his face was swollen and he wasn’t doing so well. Dr. Ford, the nurse and all the staff in the front...

    Steven Hayes
  • I am so happy to have a place to take Tango here in Granbury. The doctor and staff are great with him . He loves going to the Pet Hospital because you all are so great with him. It makes me happy to have all to take...

    Dolores Hallmark

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